The quality of our products is highly relevant for us!

The procedures used in our company demonstrate compliance with the principles of good manufacturing practice, enable the identification of companies from which the company received materials used in the production of final products and share openly documents determining the composition and safety of these materials (f.ex. Technical Data Sheets, Safety Data Sheets).

The quality and safety of our products is confirmed by the results of tests carried out in reputable, independent laboratories, which prove that the properties of our products exceed the limits resulting from EU regulations.The basic properties of FIBOO products were tested in the accredited analytical laboratory D-PL-11060-03-00 in Stuttgart and Halle, Germany.

The collected data did not show the presence of substances subject to REACH registration, which means that no hazardous substances were used in the production process of the FIBOO brand.

FIBOO products do not contain heavy metals, phthalates or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs, PAHs). FIBOO products meet the requirements of AfPS GS 2019: 01 PAH for materials approved for contact with food or having long-term contact with the skin. FIBOO products are therefore characterized by exceptionally high quality and safety for animals.

FIBOO products obtained very good results of global migration tests, which are commonly used to evaluate products intended for contact with food.

Despite the fact that the rPET bowls are made of recycled material, they meet all the necessary standards and are approved for contact with food.

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