Each puppy should be under the constant supervision of a veterinarian. At the early stage of life, a doctor during a clinical examination is able to detect possible developmental abnormalities and largely remedy them by using appropriate drugs and supplements.
Such a visit, which is not always connected with necessary, but unpleasant vaccinations, can be kind of a good sign for a pet saying that there is no need to be afraid.  Of course, there are also dogs for which, no matter how hard the owner and the doctor can try, such a visit is always something terribly stressful. It is often associated with a huge number of smells he can feel in there. However, it is worth trying and getting the dog familiar with the new place slowly.

We need to remember that protective vaccinations are an indispensable element of prophylaxis in animals and that it is highly relevant to deworm our pet before each vaccination. It would be the best to take care of it at least a week before we will vaccinate the pupil. Deworming drugs are available on the market in the form of both liquid and tablets. The drug need to be properly selected by a veterinarian and it is usually given during the first visits at the vet clinic.

A vaccination visit takes place after a week. In case of young pets, it is the best if such a visit is scheduled for the morning. No matter how safe drugs are going to be used during the vaccination, there is always a risk of some unwanted side effects. In this situation, such a morning visit allows us to observe the pet during a day and gives us a chance to help if something unusual happens. Moreover, veterinarians usually ask their patients to spend another 30 minutes in the waiting room to be sure they are ok to be taken home by their owners.

An exemplary vaccination schedule for dogs:

6-week-old puppy:
distemper and parvoviruses shot

9-week-old puppy:
distemper and parvoviruses shot extended to Rubarth’s disease, parainfluenza, kennel cough, leptospirosis and coronavirus

12-week-old puppy:
repeating the second vaccination and rabies vaccine (usually they are two separate vaccine visits). It is recommended to repeat them all every year.

Pet owners in Poland are required to vaccinate dogs against rabies every year. The veterinarian issues a document confirming such vaccination, which should be kept in the booklet in case of inspection.

Grażyna Brychcy, veterinary technician

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