In recent years, we have been flooded with eco slogans that are not fully used correctly and understandable to everyone.

I would like to briefly describe the most popular terms in here:

1. Biodegradable

So, as the name suggests, the decomposition of the material occurs as a result of the interaction of biological factors – microorganisms. The products break down into substances such as CO2, water and biomass. Biodegradation occurs in both aerobic and oxygen-poor environments (anaerobic/oxygen-free biodegradation).

Therefore, some necessary criteria must be met for the product to degrade.

And now the most important thing to notice!
A product made of biodegradable material that we throw somewhere away (just like that) or that we throw into the water – will not biodegradable (or it will, but it is going to last many years!)

It will definitely not “magically” disappear in the environment.

Biodegradable materials can be recycled.

Biodegradable materials do not have to be compostable.

However, each compostable material is biodegradable.

At the moment, products made of biodegradable plastics should be disposed of as mixed waste.

2. Compostable

They are also biodegradable materials where biodegradation occurs much faster.

According to the standard, it is biodegradable in aerobic conditions in the amount of min. 90% within 6 months.

Compostable plastics are divided into two types (TUV Austria certification program):



The material we make dog poop bags of is certified by OK COMPOST HOME.

Products made of this material can be placed in a home composter.

But, Of course, dog poop bags with their contents should be disposed of as mixed waste.

3. Oxydegradation

Products with such a marking are made of traditional plastics – such as polypropylene and polyethylene, which have an oxidation additive that causes a quick breakdown of the product into fine particles.

Decomposition occurs in the natural environment in the presence of oxygen. This process is accelerated by the appropriate temperature and UV radiation.

You can find the detailed analysis here:

this is the link to: “REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL on the impact of the use of oxo-degradable plastic, including oxo-degradable plastic carrier bags, on the environment”

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