Kot u weterynarza

Every cat owner must be prepared for regular visits to the vet’s office. Kittens should be dewormed each time before vaccination (about one week earlier).

An exemplary vaccination schedule for cats:

6/8-week-old cat:
panleukopenia, herpesvirosis, calicivirosis – the vaccines which should be repeated when a cat is 12 weeks and 18 weeks old. If our cat is a pet that likes to go out from time to time, it is recommended to remember also about a rabies shot which should take place when a kitten is 12 weeks old. It is not obligatory vaccination as it is in case of dogs, but it is still good to think about it and to protect our pet against that affliction.

12-month-old cat:
booster vaccinations against infectious disease and a rabis shot

In following years, a vaccination against rabies takes place every 2-3 years depending on the recommendations of the manufacturer of the vaccine.

Cats are usually vaccinated against infectious diseases every year.

Unfortunately, when it comes to cats, no treats or snacks will help during the visit. Most of pupils will be stressed, some of them will probably show a tiger sleeping inside of them during the visit at the clinic, but the staff of veterinary surgeries can deal with such patients easily. Anyway, such visits are highly necessary and the owners’ loving care after coming back home will allow them to forget quickly about any inconvenience.

O autorze

mgr tech. wet. Grażyna Brychcy
Technik Weterynarii at Vet-Med Specjalistyczna Przychodnia Weterynaryjna | Fiboo

W 2013r. na Uniwersytecie Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu ukończyłam studia magisterskie na kierunku Biologia. Miłość do czworonogów sprawiła, że po ukończeniu studiów podjęłam naukę w technikum weterynaryjnym. Od początku mojej pracy w zawodzie związana jestem z Przychodnią Weterynaryjną VET-MED. Codzienny kontakt z naszymi pacjentami zaważył na moim dalszym rozwoju w kierunku Fizjoterapii Psów i Kotów. Prywatnie od lat fascynują mnie zwierzęta egzotyczne, a zwłaszcza jaszczurki, dlatego jestem szczęśliwą opiekunką kilku agam i gekonów, a pod moją nieobecność smoków pilnuje kot o imieniu Furia.

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