Cat’s whiskers, an indispensable attribute of cat’s beauty. It is hard for us to imagine a cat without that long and delightful hair. They are long and stiff. Located around the nose, chin, cheeks, above the eyes and even around the wrists.
They work as a kind of a touch organ and receive even the slightest air vibrations. Cats move with such a characteristic grace, both during the day and at night, mostly thanks to them!
Cat’s whiskers allow them to have such a great orientation in space, even if there is not enough light around.  They mark the width of the cat’s body (assuming that our pet has a regular cat’s shape), helping the cat to assess if it is able to cross a particular opening or gap without the risk of getting stuck.

However, this sensitivity of the cat’s whiskers can be a problem if the pet food bowls are not properly selected. Narrow and too deep bowls can cause discomfort. Whiskers touching the walls of the vessel perceive a large number of signals and it can be a problem while eating. More sensitive cats can be even reluctant to eat from them.

In such cases, the cat may take food out of the bowl and eat it from the floor, or eat food less often – and it is worth remembering that cats usually eat some small portions of food a few times a day.

To ensure the cat’s comfort while eating, we should choose the right bowls. Wider dishes which are shallow will be definitely more willingly chosen by our pets than any other.

Grażyna Brychcy, veterinary technician

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