Anyone who decided to adopt a dog is undoubtedly doing a good deed and gaining the most faithful friend at the same time. However, such a decision should be made responsibly, never on the spur of the moment. An animal that is brought to the shelter may have a number of difficult experiences behind it and within the walls of the shelter it will not always be possible to assess what we can deal with in everyday life with an animal experienced by fate.
What should you know before taking your dog out of the shelter?
Sometimes the dogs adapt to the new situation without any bigger problems. They trust their new owners right away and act as if they have been in a given house forever. However, most of the time, it takes some time to trust and adjust to the new situation. Before adoption, it is good to get to know the animal a bit better, f. ex. by visiting and taking it for a walk (if it is possible). It is much more easier to start in a new home where the members of the household are already known to the pet. Sometimes it can happen that we may need the help of a specialist who will explain to us how to proceed to help our new friend in everyday life outside the shelter. In such situations, it is worth contacting the canine behaviorist and ask for consulations. Such a cooperation with a professionalist is a great chance to overcome many fears. The guardian will also have a possibility to learn to understand the signals sent by the pet and respond to them in an appropriate way.
A dog from a shelter? – Definitely worth it!
Even if it is not easy at the beginning, it is worth putting the effort into working on such a pet. The changes that we can observe in time under the influence of loving caretakers are extraordinary and the love and trust of such animals is just priceless.
It is also very important to take care of your pet’s health and well-being – here it is worth considering the necessary equipment, such as an eco-friendly dog bowl, a hairbrush or even the dog poop bags highly necessary nowadays. A new house and a new owner are a great change and emotions for every four-legged-friend – let’s make sure that it can feel with us the best as possible!
O autorze
W 2013r. na Uniwersytecie Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu ukończyłam studia magisterskie na kierunku Biologia. Miłość do czworonogów sprawiła, że po ukończeniu studiów podjęłam naukę w technikum weterynaryjnym. Od początku mojej pracy w zawodzie związana jestem z Przychodnią Weterynaryjną VET-MED. Codzienny kontakt z naszymi pacjentami zaważył na moim dalszym rozwoju w kierunku Fizjoterapii Psów i Kotów. Prywatnie od lat fascynują mnie zwierzęta egzotyczne, a zwłaszcza jaszczurki, dlatego jestem szczęśliwą opiekunką kilku agam i gekonów, a pod moją nieobecność smoków pilnuje kot o imieniu Furia.