We started working on the design of our products a few years ago. As animal lovers and cat lovers in particular, we have noticed a certain kind of gap in the market. We were not entirely satisfied with the products we purchased.

We have been designing plastic products for many years. We make tools that are necessary for their production and we provide services for the production of plastic elements. See our company.

Having implementation experience, we decided to create our own product. We knew that by combining our professional experience with passion, we are able to offer interesting, innovative products.

At the beginning of creating the Fiboo brand, we set ourselves a few goals. One of them was the implementation of the entire project in Poland.

We would like to provide our customers with repeatability and quality in accordance with European standards.

Our products were tested by our pet collaborators for many months.

We hope that the products that hit the market will meet your expectations.

O autorze

Fiboo.pl | + więcej wpisów

Specjaliści Fiboo poświęcają każdą wolną chwilę na zgłębianie swojej pasji, którą są psy i koty. Czytamy, poznajemy, studiujemy - a przede wszystkim obserwujemy nasze zwierzaki, aby poznawać ich nawyki, preferencje i oczekiwania. Naszą wiedzę przenosimy na tego bloga, abyście i Wy mogli jeszcze lepiej odwzajemniać ich miłość i oddanie. Zachęcamy do czytania naszych porad i ciekawostek.


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